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  • Writer's pictureLindsay Hendrickson


Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and for many of us, it won't be a normal holiday. Family and friends won't be getting together like they normally would, traditions will have to wait until next year, and we may be spending Black Friday in our PJ's sitting on the couch shopping on the internet. Our world is so much different then what we remember from last year. I found myself this morning wishing life would just go back to normal, back to the way it was when we really didn't have a care in the world. We thought life was stressful, but compared to what we face on a day to day basis now, life was a breeze back then.

But this is where we are. And while I hate to admit it to myself, I think this is where we will be for some time. My heart is so sad for the things that won't be, the things that we can't do, and the people we can't be with.

And yet, last night I found myself where I do just about every day at 5:30pm. In my kitchen, cooking my family dinner, listening to worship music. In that moment, I realized that this is one reason why I can get up each morning, go to work, and have joy and contentment in my heart. I choose to direct my eyes, ears, and mind on the things that give me joy, peace, strength, and hope. Spending time in my kitchen by myself, listening to worship music, watching my kids play outside; these are the things I choose to focus on. These are the things that overflow my heart and make me so thankful and grateful for all that's right in front of me.

I have no doubt in my mind, that you too have a long list of things to be thankful for right there in front of you. You don't have to leave your house to start making that list. You just have to open your eyes, move it away from the things that cause you fear, doubt, and confusion, and focus on those things that give you joy, peace, and hope. They abound in your life, and mine. It's just up to us to find those things and focus on them

I pray that each of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Instead of focusing on what it could have been, I hope you find yourself in the moment, enjoying those you are with, even if it's your pet, and spend the day giving thanks for all of the amazing things in your life you have to be grateful for. Life is short, spend some time this holiday week to enjoy the sunshine, enjoy nature, and spend some time in quiet each day reflecting on all you have to be thankful for.

Many of us are cooking for a lot less people this year, so maybe that means diverting from the traditional meal. I'm finding myself doing most of the cooking this holiday. I'm not really sure that is a good idea, but I'm up for the challenge so we will see how it goes. I am making a lot of new recipes this holiday (which isn't always a good thing). This is my first holiday where I am completely plant based. And while I would love to dive in to a regular helping of mashed potatoes, and a big slice of pie with ice cream, I just don't want to be sick the next day. So a lot of the items on our menu are completely plant based (besides the big ham my husband is cooking, which my boys requested). Here are a few that I plan on cooking this Thursday. What are some recipes you plan to try this holiday?

As a certified nutrition health coach, I encourage many of my clients to eat more plants and less animals. I love sharing all of my recipes and tricks of how to be more plant based. Along with focusing my coaching on food, the other part of my coaching focusing on non food related items. I believe the food on our plate is a direct reflection of other areas in our life that may be lacking such as relationships, career, spirituality, and exercise. My health sessions revolve around these areas as well, because believe it or not things like being more grateful and thankful, can help us make better food choices.

Interested in learning more about plant based eating and exploring other areas in your life that affect your food? Contact Lindsay, IIN Nutrition Health Coach to schedule your complimentary health session today.

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